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P.A. Summer Writing (1).png

Young Writers Middle School Summer Writing Program

Who?  Middle school (6-8th) 

Where? In-person at Peninsula Academy campus 

Class A:  6/20-7/8(3 wks)
•    Week #1 6/20-6/23, 9 am -12 pm, Mon-Thu
•    Week #2 6/27-6/30, 9 am- 12 pm, Mon-Thu
•    Week #3 7/5-7/8. 9am-12 pm, Tue-Fri

Class B: 7/25-8/11(3wks)
•    Week #1 7/25-7/28, 9 am -12 pm, Mon-Thu
•    Week #2 8/1-8/4, 9 am- 12 pm, Mon-Thu
•    Week #3 8/8-8/11. 9am-12 pm, Mon-Thu

What? Teaching writing as a process in a relaxed camp environment.

Each day, challenging our young writers, as we explore a variety of writing genres- poems, what if stories, a day in the life of: while practicing informative, opinion and narrative writing. Targeting Writers' Workshop practice that incorporates mini-lessons on specific content and editing strategies, time for drafting and revising, peer response, teacher conferencing, presentation of writing to the class, and publication. 

Why? To build a passion for writing and to prepare students for success going into the Fall. 

How? By making writing interesting and fun! 

Some examples of Summer Young Writers topics in the past- What if stories? What if Harry Potter was in charge of the 4th of July celebration?“, If I was a Koi Fish”, “ My Favorite Dog”, “ The Twisted Tale of the Wizard of Oz”, “ The Ballet Dancer”,“Harry Potter is in charge of the 4th of July”, Superheroes in the Olympics, “ I was a soldier in George Washington’s independence battle”, “ A Day as a Marine Biologist” and so much more.

Further Details 

The focus of the program is for students to target and practice writing. We will read poems, myths and informative readings from Time for Kids magazine and Scholastic. We will incorporate reading, art, and writing. Students will be engaged in learning games such as -the synonym/antonym game, 4th of July Jeopardy and Create- a- word spelling games. 

The Publication Celebrations on 7/8 and 8/11

This is a day to celebrate the students' writing! Students will receive an anthology of “the best of the best” of each student's best writing at the end of the program. I like to make it a festive day , celebrating student work and sharing " door prizes" that I provide.Parents, family members, and siblings will attend. After each student shares we will enjoy pizza, snacks and refreshments, as students are cheered on receiving a certificate.


About Your Instructor

Mr. Perkins

Mr. Perkins has been teaching writing for over 25 years. He is a passionate advocate in developing all students into proficient writers. He is the Writing Coach in the PVPUSD, teaching elementary to high school students. He also teaches writing through the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) at the Johns Hopkins University, USC's Trio program, and CSULB Global Competencies Project. Richard is also a National Geographic Certified Instructor and a Google Earth Educator. His students' research has been featured on the National Geographic website. Richard obtained his B.A. in Critical Writing from USC's School of Cinematic Arts and received his teaching credential from CSUDH.  

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