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Community College Transfer

Peninsula Academy Promise aka Community College Transfer or 2+2 Program


Obtain a bachelor’s degree from America’s top colleges and universities in four years, no TOEFL or SAT required. 无需托福,SAT/ACT成绩

Our PA Promise, aka community college transfer program or 2 + 2 program, is specifically designed to help students with limited English background get into top colleges and universities in the U.S. For students who follow our carefully designed pathway and meet our standards, they are guaranteed to successfully transfer to UC or CSU, or with high success rate to USC or other top private colleges and universities. 为了帮助英语基础薄弱的同学来美国名校留学深造,半岛学院特别制定了2+2大学保录计划。每位同学按半岛学院制定的进阶规划,达到要求后,我们保证至少拿到加州大学或加州州立大学的录取,我们也曾培养不少努力上进的同学获取了私立名校的转学录取。

Stage One 第一阶段

Students strengthen their English skills at USC or a community college. This stage can take between 2 and 12 months, depending on the students’ English proficiency. We are also fully equipped to provide supplementary private tutoring to help students improve English skills. 英语强化。我们会帮助有意向的同学在南加州大学或社区大学获取留学签证,前来上英语语言强化班(根据所选学校费用有所不同)。根据每位同学的英语基础,时间需2个月到一年不等。半岛学院也可以额外提供一对一私教英语辅导,力求最短时间内提高英语,达到要求。

Stage Two 第二阶段

The student works closely with one of our expert college transfer counselors to plan and prepare for successful college transfer. The student will take strategically selected classes at a local Community College and maintain a competitive GPA, while continuing to improve English skills. Depending on the student’s academic and English levels, additional private tutoring provided by PA may be needed to maintain a competitive GPA. This stage typically takes 12 to 24 months, although some students may need more time to adjust. 社区大学学习。半岛学院的大学咨询专家为每位同学量身打造高效高质量的转学计划和目标,并监督完成,以确保成功转学。根据每位同学的学习情况,这个阶段通常需要1到2年。

  • Cost Per Semester 每学期花费

    • Tuition and fees, full Semester (14 weeks) 学杂费,一学期,14周

    • Room and Board 住宿

    • Dining and meals 餐饮

    • Books and supplies 书本资料

    • Personal and miscellaneous 个人其他花费

    • Transportation 交通

    • Financial Statement for I-20 资产证明

Stage Three 第三阶段

The student works closely with 1-2 of our expert college counselors to apply for transfer to USC,UC, CSU, or other top private colleges and universities nationwide. For students who rigorously follow our suggestions and meet our standards, successful transfer to at least one UC campus is guaranteed. Our students also have a high success transfer rate to USC and other private universities.  转学申请。每位同学由至少2位半岛学院的升学顾问指导,按时提交高质量申请材料。


Cost, for more information, check our transfer planning and application packages


We also offer additional support services at an additional charge, including: 


Prior to coming to the U.S. 行前服务

  • Orientation 行前准备

  • Financial planning 金融协助

  • Mobile phone service set up 手机通信提前开通

  • Housing and rental services 租房

  • US Customs mock interview 通关准备、模拟面试

On-boarding and transition 初到美国以及适应期服务

  • Socio-cultural adjustment training 社会文化知识培训

  • Insurance consultation and purchase 保险购买

  • Airport pickup 接机


Academic Tutoring 课程学术指导

  • All subjects 全科私教补习

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